A will is the instrument through which everyone can decide how to distribute their assets and to whom to allocate them, respecting the shares reserved for legitimate heirs as established by law. It is a way to clearly express and make known to posterity one’s wishes when it is no longer possible to do so personally. It is a means of leaving a concrete and tangible mark in support of what one has loved.
A charitable bequest to the Associazione Amici di Brera demonstrates altruism and generosity, as well as a love for art and culture. Additionally, it contributes to the preservation, protection, and expansion of the oldest gallery of ancient and modern art in Milan, which hosts more than 200 works by great Italian and international artists. By making a bequest, you contribute to the enhancement and accessibility of the cultural heritage preserved in the Pinacoteca and Milanese museums, thus supporting the community and ensuring the transmission of values embodied in this heritage to future generations and the entire community.
Those who decide to make a bequest send a strong but silent message about the impact each individual, even in a small way, can have, and set an example for everyone.
Writing a will – either holographic or public – is a simple act that can benefit many without binding the person who makes it, as it can be revoked or modified at any time.
The object of the bequest can be of various kinds: sums of money (including severance pay, company shares, securities), movable property such as works of art, real estate, or parts thereof, including land or buildings. To be a patron, the bequest does not need to be of great value; even if symbolic, the gesture denotes philanthropic intent and shows dedication to a cultural hub of significance in the area.
Furthermore, pursuant to Legislative Decree 4/12/1997, donations are not subject to any inheritance tax.
The details for addressing any bequest to the Associazione Amici di Brera are as follows:
Associazione Amici di Brera e dei Musei Milanesi – ETS
Via Brera 28 – 20121 Milano
CF: 03178150151
For more information, write to info@amicidibrera.org or call 02 860796.
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