
Understanding, protection, enhancement

The Association of Friends of Brera, one of the oldest in Milan, has always worked to foster the knowledge, enhancement and protection of the historic Palazzo di Brera and Milan’s Civic Museums.

Founded in 1926, suppressed under fascism and re-established in 1949, it organises meetings, lectures, trips and visits to collections and exhibitions in Italy and abroad, while also undertaking an important program of teaching activities that are educational and informative.

Its principal purpose is to bring the city closer to Brera, increasing the participants’ understanding of art and giving the museum valid and constant support by collectors, connoisseurs and pure art lovers.

The means used to guarantee this support range from direct sponsorships, fundraising campaigns and finally donations of important artworks to enrich and complete the collections (from Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus to the recent acquisition of a work by the Master of the Sforza Altarpiece).

In addition to fundraising work to support and promote the initiatives launched by the museum, the association seeks to find potential partner companies by ensuring mutual benefits to both parties.

The association’s various forms of support are all guided by a single purpose: civic sense and a love of art.



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